Free poker League Texas Hold’em Bars Kansas City Overland Park

Free Poker League Texas Hold’em Bars Kansas City Overland Park

League Policy & rules Update 8.3.13

Notice of Rules & Policy Changes


We are have grown our league to the size and scope where we felt that we need to make just a few adjustments to our rules and policies (in the interest of staying consistent with our rules across all of our poker venues) 

We apologize for any confusion and will have a full set of rules, etiquette and policies on our website this week at

Thank you everyone for being part of our Success!!!

                                                                   Prestige Poker League Staff



  • Relevant to All in Plays where we lose a player in the Blinds

    Was:  Moving Button Rule           Now:  Dead Button Rule

We are Changing from a Moving Button to a Dead Button Rule:

Specifically this means (only when a player gets knocked out who was in the Blinds, the deal may back up and you may have to post only 1 big blind)  i.e.  No longer will the dealer button continue move forward nor will there be multiple blinds required (such as Big Big, Small Big Big, and Small Small Big)

  • No longer required: Double of the Big Blind to make a Bet on the Turn and/or River Cards
  • Raises:  All Raises must Still be at least the amount of the last raise or bet amount

Which means if there is a 400 Bet on the table, your Raise must be 800 or greater  (and to clarify, the Small and Big Blinds are a forced bet  = A bet,  therefore must be doubled)

  • Breaking Tables Players going from a broken table to fill in seats assume the rights and responsibilities of the position. They can get the big blind, the small blind, or the button. The only place they cannot get a hand is between an active player’s small blind and the dealer button.


Late Arrivals have become a problem.    Please Respect the game, your host, the bar, and your fellow players and arrive on time or arrive early.                                                                           Start Times are as posted on our schedules.  e.g. 7:00


*Early Chip Rewards: Means you are in the building and have written your name on the Sign In form, at least 30 minutes Prior to the Posted Start Time.                          Start times and Early Arrival bonus chips are determined by the posted schedule.

Your host will use their cell phone as to what time it is.  GSM broadcast cell phone time will be recognized.

*Cutoff Time for Late Arrivals: is 45 min after start time. 

i.e. 7:00 game = 7:45 cutoff         7:46 is not close enough:  Please

*Chip Reductions for Late Arrivals: will now be implemented and enforced at all games.

  • Players arriving after Posted Start Times  (e.g. 7:00)   will start out with a $500 Chip stack reduction on our large stack games
  • * and then         $200 additional chips for every 5min after 7:05   (or relative to the posted start time)    
  • Or                       $100 for Every 5 min on our Short stack Games of 6000 starting chips or less

Call ahead confirmations to the hosts will not be acceptable for Early Chips or Chip Reduction purposes


*Follow us and “LIKE” us at :             

*Text Updates: Text the word Prestige to the Phone # 913-800-4546                     Updates for Games/Times/Announcements & Promos

*Call us about running your Charity, Fundraiser, Private or Corporate Parties or other special poker events  913-815-0060



*Invite your Friends to Come out and Play & you both get Bonused!!!  

**New Players & Guest Invites receive Bonus Chips,

        Plus You get a bonus ticket Chance to Win $100 in our Summer Rewards Cash Giveaway.

***$100 Prize Drawing will be held on or about Labor Day Weekend!!! 





11: Face Up for All-Ins

All cards will be turned face up without delay once a player is all-in and all betting action by all other players in the hand is complete.

12: Showdown Order

In a non-all-in showdown, at the end of the last round of betting, the player who made the last aggressive action in that betting round must show first. If there was no bet in the last round, the player to the left of the button shows first and so on clockwise.

13: Dead Button Rules Clarified

  1. Dead Button: If the player in the small blind is eliminated, the dealer button moves to the empty seat. Players post blinds as normal, and the Previous Hand’s Dealer will Deal Again.
  2. Dead Small Blind: If the player in the big blind is eliminated, the small blind is dead and only the big blind is posted.
  3. If two players are eliminated on the same hand, the Big and Small Blinds, then the deal will back up, and the next person will assume the big blind

Last updated by Prestige Poker League Jan 4, 2022.


March 2025

Free Poker League Texas Hold’em Tournaments at local Bars in Kansas City, Overland Park, Olathe, Shawnee, Lenexa, Gardner, Johnson County



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